Workshop - Audio processing and Wireless design (LTE, WLAN and 5G) with MATLAB

Wednesday, March 23 8:30 - 11:30

Location: Room 3C+3D


In this workshop, you will learn about 2 sets of signal processing capabilities in MATLAB and Simulink: Audio processing and Wireless design (LTE, WLAN and 5G). For each capability, we showcase the entire workflow, enabling you to setup labs and experiments independently and facilitate your research and teaching projects.

In the 1st segment, we showcase the new Audio System Toolbox. You will learn how to perform real-time signal processing on the desktop, stream live audio in and out of MATLAB/Simulink along with algorithms and tools for processing, tuning, and analyzing live audio signals. We feature case studies to show how to:

  • Tune parameters affecting live audio streams (bandwidths, gains)
  • Generate VST audio plugins from MATLAB code for high-performance audio processing with digital audio workstations (DAWs)
  • Deploy audio algorithms via C code generation for efficient processing on desktops or low-cost embedded hardware (such as Raspberry Pi, BeagleBone Black).

In the 2nd portion, you will learn how to use MATLAB to simulate your wireless systems (LTE, WLAN, 5G etc.) and then connect your designs to a range of RF instruments and Software-Defined Radio (SDR) devices. We feature case studies to show how to:

  • Perform end-to-end simulation of LTE/WLAN standards
  • Explore system performance of 5G waveform candidates (including FBMC and UFMC)
  • Verify your designs in MATLAB by connecting your waveforms to Software-Defined Radios (SDRs) and over-the-air transmission, reception and recovery of live video or audio data


Houman Zarrinkoub, PhD

Dr. Houman Zarrinkoub is a senior product manager at MathWorks, based in Massachusetts, USA. During his 15 years at MathWorks he has also served as a development manager and has been responsible for multiple signal processing and communications software tools. Prior to MathWorks, he was a research scientist in the Wireless Group at Nortel Networks, where he contributed to multiple standardization projects for 3G mobile and voice coding technologies. He has been awarded multiple patents on topics related to computer simulations of signal processing applications. Houman is the author of the book Understanding LTE with MATLAB: From Mathematical Modeling to Simulation and Prototyping (Wiley, 2014). He holds a B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from McGill University and M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in telecommunications from the Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, in Canada.

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